Having (nearly) everything twice, being just one of two in the week

Sunday, July 23, 2006


We slept a little bit longer this sunday - when we got up we went into the kitchen. Iris cleaned up a little bit and put some plates into the sink.

Suddenly a strange noise emerged, the sound of someone crying for help or something.
Iris escaped(fleed into the bedroom and locked the door)My problen then was: How big is this insect?

Note: In 1995, in Australia (Bugs get bigger there:-) , I had a fight with an ordenary tiny ;-) moth! (Kingsize, with a powerfull noise while attacking)

So what did I find? A tiny little helpless bat! Placed himself(black) on a black sponge. So I gave first aid and put it outside in our "jungle". (Hung it in a small tree)
I asked my girl-friend for assistance, but the bedroom-door was still closed!

The little fellow survived - here is a pic:


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