Having (nearly) everything twice, being just one of two in the week

Sunday, October 04, 2009

My new project..

A few minutes ago I fount a maple-seed direct into my bathtub.

It is october (autumn, here in europe) and I decided to plant it! Must be a mystic omen, because I´ve got a new job yesterday. I´m not supersticious, but a few days ago, a friend of me gave me some apples.

He told me that his wife bought some(mouthwatering)apples and planted the seeds. Now the tree has grown to 2.5 meters and the first apples could be picked. The little appleseed has gone a long dangerous way and is now an established tree in my friends garden.

I don´t know where the next maple-tree is, but the seed will become a chance! (found in a bathtub, grown in a pod and released in a nature reserve (we have some here))

Maybe this seed will be famous?


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